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Danger Cactus is a technical research laboratory that explores the intersection of danger, technology and horticulture.

Cactus Splash
Laminar Flow Hood


Dank & Dangerous

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Danger Cactus Garden 2024





PGR Plant Growth Regulators & Supply Notes

Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM™)
Size 30ML


Danger Box

Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) Solution 1mg/1ml
Size 100ml

Kinetin Solution 1mg/1ml
Size 100ml

Magenta Vessel ga-7

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Danger Cactus Culture Media Recipe ( Coconut / Aloe )

Medium Target PH 5.7-5.8

Table sugar 1/8 cup 
Tap water 1 cup 
Fertilizer Stock 1 cup of 
Inositol tablet (250mg) ½ tablet
Crushed Vitamin tablet with thiamine ¼ tablet
Crushed Agar flakes 2 tablespoons

Coconut Water: A natural source of cytokinins and other growth factors, coconut water can enhance cell division and growth, potentially reducing the need for synthetic growth regulators. It also contains vitamins, amino acids, and minerals that can support overall plant health. Incorporating coconut water might allow for reductions in synthetic fertilizers and vitamins.

Aloe Vera: Known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera can also benefit plant tissue culture by promoting growth and reducing contamination risks. It contains growth hormones like auxins and gibberellins, which can help in callus formation and development. Aloe vera gel or extracted solution can be added to the medium as an organic additive to support growth.

Cut back from 3% sugar to 2% for rooting.

General Notes: 
Reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer: With the addition of coconut water and aloe vera, you may reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer, as both provide natural nutrients and growth factors.

Consider the concentration of coconut water and aloe vera: Start with a lower concentration (e.g., 10-20% of the total volume for coconut water and 5-10% for aloe vera gel or extract), and adjust based on the observed effects on callus growth and development.

Adjust sugar concentration if necessary: Depending on the growth response, the sugar concentration might need tweaking, as coconut water also contains natural sugars.

Monitor the pH: Both coconut water and aloe vera can affect the medium's pH, so adjust the pH to the desired level (usually around 5.7-5.8) after adding all components.

Experiment with small batches: Given the variability in tissue culture responses across different plant species, it's wise to start with small experimental batches to fine-tune the concentrations and ratios for the best growth outcomes.

By incorporating coconut water and aloe vera, you're aiming to leverage their natural beneficial properties to support and enhance callus formation and growth. However, precise adjustments should be based on the specific needs of the plant species and the outcomes of initial experiments.

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